crowgirl's Journal

crowgirl's Journal


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27 entries this month

21:37 Nov 21 2008
Times Read: 827

Thank-you Angelus!!!!! He sent me a copy of a film called The Death Train. :D And it has now solved my issue of having nothing to watch. :) Such a lovely surprise, and well needed, after the day I've had.

Thanks again, my friend. :)



23:49 Nov 22 2008

.. is scary.



12:27 Nov 21 2008
Times Read: 835

Ways to piss Crowgirl off. Cancel her half day.

My boss told me at around nine thirty this morning that I'd be able to have my half day, as we didn't look busy. Great! I can go and see my friends! I made plans with Emily on my break.

An hour before I was leaving? Yeah, you can't go. Too busy. Work.

-_- Bastids. I. Need. To. Break. Crap.



13:16 Nov 21 2008

.. you still have a 'thingie' to look forward to.

15:12 Nov 21 2008

oh i cannot tell you, been there done that, T-shirt, movie rights blah blah. if he told you directly that you could leave early, not said he thought but the actual words "i am going to let you leave early". you should have been able to. his problems are not your problems.



17:58 Nov 20 2008
Times Read: 843

Right. I'm going to have one of my fantastic coffee's that would jazz up a baby nelly-phant before I go outside and wait for mum. :)

(Yeah, I've had one already.....hope I don't freak out too many people. I'm a scary hyper midget *snrk*)

And then......hmmm.......I'll watch Apparitions on BBC1 tonight. It's good, but I wish they hadn't killed off the Indian gay leper priest, Vimal. ( That may have been the single most weird sentence i've ever written, lol).

Now I have to go before my hyperactivity levels induce me to write in LOLspeak. :)



18:14 Nov 20 2008

your goth in a lab coat picture is perfect for me, i was just thinking that last night, what are the chances. Drink massive amounts of coffee and then go up to a stranger and talk as fast as you can without missing a beat, but don't let them talk, or that would just ruin it, more fun that way too.


17:05 Nov 20 2008
Times Read: 846

*Yawn* Work was crazy busy today. We had about six hundred individual samples to process and make into blocks. Looks like tomorrow will be no better. Luckily I have next week off, so I shouldn't go too insane. :P

Now I'm enjoying a coffee and VR till home time. :)




22:48 Nov 19 2008
Times Read: 861

I got bored, so I thought it'd be fun if I tried to make my ex look like Edward Cullen. He's already semi-agreed to dye his hair. *snrk*

Bwahaha! I SHALL have an Edward!!!!! 0.o



00:43 Nov 20 2008

I went googling.. so, that's who Mr Cullen is!?!


New Beginning

21:49 Nov 19 2008
Times Read: 869

I'm really happy MBK inducted me into his Coven. :) It looks amazing, and already feels like Home. :)

I can't wait to talk to everyone, and get to know some new people. :)



21:59 Nov 19 2008

Welcome to the family!

22:33 Nov 19 2008

:) Thanks. It looks like I've finally found somewhere I can be myself without a *wtf?* expression being permanently stuck on peoples faces. Heh.

22:55 Nov 19 2008

We love for people to be themselves =] We're glad to have you. ;]

22:57 Nov 19 2008

:D Thanks.


13:29 Nov 19 2008
Times Read: 878

Will a house or coven pick me now I'm *single*?

........it means I left my old coven, and I'm just waiting to see if anyone wants to indict lil ole me. :)

I know. I thought the first bit sounded weird too. ;)




Night-Time Musings

17:32 Nov 18 2008
Times Read: 884

I feel it's time for a change. Here, in my personal life, everywhere. But what sort of change I don't know. Only time will tell.

I've been going over some things, and thought I might *hang up my cloak* and leave the realms of VR after three long and wondeful years here.

But just as my finger was hovering over the *delete* button, wonderful memories came flooding back of that October, three years ago when I decided to google the word *Vampire*.

The first people to talk to me on here, were Jason and Khayman. They were so wonderful and nice, and I've met some truly amazing people along the way. I wouldn't want to give any of that up. I've *grown up* on VR. The advice others have given has proven invaluable to me.

I guess it's true what they say. You get the rough with smooth, good with the bad. The only thing I can do is accept it and move on, change myself for the better, and not dwell on what could have been. Although sometimes, that is hard to do, and self doubt and melancholy take over for brief periods of time.

So while it's taking me a while to adjust and adapt, don't worry. You'll have your normal happy-go-lucky Crowgirl back soon.

And I'm going to be on here as long as VR is online. Even when I'm eighty years old, if it's still up, I'm still logging in. :)



23:51 Nov 18 2008

..better stick around YOU: I've found another 'thingie' to send!



20:28 Nov 17 2008
Times Read: 891

Is there such a thing as WoW rehab? I'm not looking foward to losing it for about a week until I can buy the retail version.

And I have the week off next week, so me and mum are going up to Lancashire again. :D I can't wait to see my cousins, and wrangle another trip to Samlesbury Hall. I'm determined to make it up the stairs this time, and not just sit on them shaking like a leaf.

Mum also thinks I should go out with my friend Emilie and meet a nice guy. Clearly she's not seen me in a room full of sweaty drunk people before. My anti-social meter goes off the chart, and my hands itch for any sharp object to bludgeon people with. I do need to find a boyfriend though. I'm practically a nun. I don't want to...........there's still some lingering hope.........for someone special to me who has just dissapeared from the face of the earth. That confusion and hurt is what has made me spectacularly Emo the past few days.

Reading Twilight for the first time didn't help. I need an Edward clone. *sigh*



00:15 Nov 18 2008

Think how high your limit bar will be when you get it back! I was off for two weeks and I managed to get through 4 levels with double XP :-)


21:08 Nov 15 2008
Times Read: 906

Damn WoW. I just made a warlock character, and it's SO damn difficult to complete a quest I'm on. -_- I have to nick a book for a warlock trainer from.......er.........some people.....in Northshire.........but I can't seem to do it. I'm about level five or six on that one. I managed to do it once, with a random guys help, but then i must not have picked up the book..........or it dissapears............or something.

I want the reward though- summoning an imp. :P I really want to start and try to get a pet or minion. They look wicked. :)

And I've figured out what I'm going to do in regards to buying it. I'll buy the original game when I get paid, and then put the others on my Christmas list. :) Or if I can;t wait.............I'll have to buy 'em. Heh.



01:58 Nov 16 2008

I've tried that quest, it's about the most dificult one to get your imp with. Find a kind higher-level player who'll keep the defias off your back while you grab the book. You can't get close enough without aggroing at least three of them otherwise :-)

23:20 Nov 16 2008

It sounds like you are going to get addicted!

23:28 Nov 16 2008

It's easy done Em, trust me!

23:48 Nov 16 2008

I already am!!!! I'm freaking out about how I'll manage when the trial version runs out, it'll be ten days before I can buy it!!!!


01:02 Nov 15 2008
Times Read: 910

I just calculated that I've been on WoW for ten-ish hours. 0.o

That can't be right. I started playing at about two pm, and finished now, one am. Yeah. ADDICTION. Damn. Now I have to wait two weeks to buy it. :P

At least I can relax and read the twilight series. Yep, I caved and bought 'em. So far, so good. :)




00:04 Nov 14 2008
Times Read: 912

Ok, Ok, I give in! I'll go to sleep! Damn my fuddled brain!

I need to keep it sharp for WoW playing to un-godly hours tomorrow. :P

Can you say addicted???? :P




23:14 Nov 13 2008
Times Read: 913

Right, WoW....................I'm in love. :)

Not a clue of what to do, however. I'm a zombie priest woman, and I've just been running around on a couple of quests. I'm stuck on one. I have to find this dead guy and bury him next to his wife, except I can't find the camp he's in, and huge things keep killing me. The spirit healer and I are getting to be very good friends. ;)

If anyone would be so kind as to explain the basics to me, I'd be grateful. :)




19:44 Nov 13 2008
Times Read: 920

yay! Jay sent me a free trial of WoW! :D it's downloading now. I'm excited and I've not even started playing it yet. ;)



20:21 Nov 13 2008

Yay welcome aboard! If you get on the aggramar realm, look me up (under this name) lol


17:51 Nov 13 2008
Times Read: 921

I wasn't going to go and see the Twilight film, as I've not read the book yet.....but then I found out our good ole' Cedric Diggory is playing.....thingummy whatsit in the film. Yeh. Me need see :P




17:43 Nov 13 2008
Times Read: 922

Gah. Still 20 minutes to go before mum gets here.

I'm stuck in the staff computer room at work until six. Then she'll come to pick me up. She has the whole over-active *You are not walking through town in the dark* parent thing going on.

No matter though, coz I get to spend more time on my lovely VR. :) I'm a tad annoyed that youtube doesn't work on these computers though. -_- There's some threads in the forums I'd love to reply to.......but I need to watch the videos in order to respond. Damnit!

So for now I'm just wandering aimlessly around VR, trying to find stuff to do.

Fun Fun.




13:44 Nov 13 2008
Times Read: 923

I've been thinking. If I ever did move out of mum's and get my own place (which won't be soon. Distinct lack of cash problem)......I'd be screwed. I mean, I can't leave my cat behind, so I'd have to take him with me. But then I couldn't live in the city center, near work, because I wouldn't want to run the risk of him finding the main road. Infact, I probably wouldn't let him outside full stop if I lived in town, and that wouldn't be fair to him. And then ofcourse I'd have to get another cat to keep him company during the day.

So......somewhere safe, with other cats, near to work..................which......is......my.......mums. -_-

Frick. That didn't work out how I hoped it would.




22:31 Nov 11 2008
Times Read: 930

There's so many amazing people on here it's unreal. They all have one ability I'm envious of. Being able to express themselves coherently through words. That ability, I do not have. Seriously. I know how I want some things to sound, but somehow they come out totally different. *sigh* Even now, I can't write exactly what I'm thinking. DAMN MY STUPID BRAIN!. 0.o

I'm not looking for self pity or anything, but I just find it annoying I can't express myself as I would like to. Meh. Angelus has kindly talked to me about this issue many, many times before. But I wanted to rant about it again...........coz.........coz I have nothing else to talk about.

I think it's a thing of *Do people actually find what I'm writing interesting?* Sometimes I feel they do, and sometimes I feel they just shake their heads and stop reading the boring drivel that spews forth from my keyboard.

Yep. It's been one of those days.





22:09 Nov 11 2008
Times Read: 933

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, guilt-tripping people is so fun.




20:19 Nov 11 2008
Times Read: 935

Finding a flat is SO damn difficult. FEH!




Ink Update

21:31 Nov 09 2008
Times Read: 942

Here's a pic of my new ink, after being cleaned today.

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

Although I did faint when my mum was cleaning it. 0.o I always seem to faint when my body is experiencing shock or some sort of pain. And I was smoking at the time, so that made me light headed too. Anyway, I'm fine now.

I know it's probably just part of the healing process, but my skin where the tattoo is feels all tight, and there's a slight burning sensation. I have just cleaned it again, though. So it's probably just annoyed at being cleaned. It's bound to be tender. So.....someone reassure me it's normal and I'll be happy. ;) and leave comments!!!!!





20:18 Nov 08 2008
Times Read: 945

The last thing I thought I'd be doing today was getting another tattoo. But that's exactly what I did do. A bigger, more painful one. :P And before you say it........I like the symbol for the symbol..........not because of the band, mmmmm'kay?

The pics a bit blurry, and I can't take the bandage thing off yet, but here it is:

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

Do you think it's noticeable? ;)




23:50 Nov 07 2008
Times Read: 951

My new name is Sausage Features.

Whaaaaaaaaaat???? it's an english thing! ;)



15:13 Nov 08 2008

Yea...us Brits do enjoy handing out affectionate tags lol



22:57 Nov 07 2008
Times Read: 953

Oh Gods. I just found the Demo for Tomb Raider Underworld. Am. In. Heaven. Laaaaaaaaaaraaaaaa babyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!

***do not disturb until I've completed the feckin' thing. Damn pc buttons! damn joo!**




Ramble, ramble, ramble...

20:35 Nov 07 2008
Times Read: 956

D'you know what VR?

I feel like making a long, rambling journal entry. Partly because I feel guilty in not having been on here in ages, and partly because I've got to do something while my hair dye is on. ;)

And forgive any spello's I make, I haven't got my glasses on, so everything is a tad fuzzy.

Alrighty. Work is going really well. I can't remember if I said it before or not, but I saw the most......well.......weird sample come into the lab the other day. It was in a huge, huge bucket. Everyone was curious. Hmmm, what could it be? a tumor? a bowel?

Nope. It was a............foot. With most of the calf attatched to it. That was weird.........I mean, an actual limb, sans it's owner. The poor man had a tumor on it that had grown so rapidly and aggresively, he had to have it amputated to save his life.

And there's a rather nifty looking pathologist guy too. Goth, long hair, neat lil goatee. My brain yelled *squeeeeeeeee!!!* and then left me on my own to giggle like a school girl. And keeps on doing so whenever I see him around the lab. Heh.

What else? Uhm................ it's an Open Day at work tomorrow, which means my whole family will be going, which means I'll be watching them all like a hawk, just incase they embarass me. Which in all likelihood they will do. Gotta love family.

Er...........can't think of anythinbg else at present. I'm waiting for an episode of supernatural to download. Then I'm gonna watch it and relax with a beer. Or three. :)




20:01 Nov 07 2008
Times Read: 959

Why...........can I not find the one episode of CSI:NY I want on iTunes? *ggggggrrrrrrr*

Stupid Criss Angel being in stupid csi and bein' so stupid sexy................


While I go and look for that some more, I'll relax with my two favourite boys. Sam and Dean Winchester. :D Oh, and the Impala. I NEED that car...........purely because it's so beautiful. ;)

Now I'm off to dye my hair. Hopefully with managing to dye my skin this time, heh.

**DISCLAIMER** Crowgirl has had a virus which has temporarily affected her brain, rendering it unable to communicate simply. Her muddled brain cells apologize. Thank-you.




12:28 Nov 05 2008
Times Read: 965

I'm not feeling too good, but I just wanted to come online and say this: congratulations president barack Obama!!!!!!!!!

If I was American, youd've had my vote. :)



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